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4 Reasons Testing For Asbestos is Right for Your Home

Updated: 4 days ago

Most of the time, your wish list has more than the home you’re on it. Like many fellow buyers, you might want to remodel your home.

This surely is an exciting process, but it’ll also be hassle-free once you take precautions like getting an inspection. Cause knowing the issues early on helps you resolve them relatively easily.

But, after inspection, what more can you do to ensure precaution?

Just like the wish list doesn't end with making the purchase, the responsibility and safety measures don't end there. With every step you take, you must ensure it’s safe for your home and family. It doesn't matter whether you're planning a DIY project or hiring professional contractors; you must ensure that your home is free of potential hazards.

So, when you plan on remodeling or renovating your house, one of the most important steps is testing for asbestos.

In this blog, we’ll talk about what asbestos is and why testing for asbestos is important (especially if you're planning for renovation).

What Is Asbestos?

Asbestos is a naturally occurring fibrous mineral. There are many asbestiform minerals, but six are currently found in the United States. And these are known for their heat-resistant properties.

Throughout the mid 20th century, asbestos was one of the construction materials used in constructing building materials like drywall, ceilings, floor tiles, and sidings. This was because of its affordability, resistance to chemicals and heat, sound insulation, and tensile strength. But, later, it was found to be hazardous to human health.

Once disrupted, the asbestos microscopic fibers are released into the air. So, there is a high chance you're exposed to the risk of breathing those in, especially if you reside in a house built in the 20th century. However, since the 1970s, the U.S. government has implemented different asbestos regulations to limit its use. But homes built before the 1980s will most likely contain asbestos.

Although asbestos is hazardous, it hasn't been completely outlawed and is still used to make cement products and vinyl flooring, among other building components. Additionally, it is often still imported from other countries with more limited regulations.

Reasons to Schedule Testing for Asbestos

Yes, asbestos is a hazardous material, but testing for asbestos is the best way to safeguard your family's health. You might also need to perform removal, if needed.

Here are four reasons to have your property tested for asbestos.

Avoiding Health Hazards

We have been repeating that asbestos is harmful to human health.

But what are these health hazards?

Well, long-term asbestos exposure can lead to conditions like lung cancer, mesothelioma, and asbestosis.

Asbestos majorly impacts the lungs of an individual. So, if you have a family member who has respiratory issues, asthma, or any other lung-related conditions, then it is best to get the testing done as they're at greater risk.

Long-term asbestos exposure can also lead to some symptoms like:

· Shortness of breath

· Persistent cough

· Fatigue

· Throat and chest pain

· Rapid weight loss

Meanwhile, if you plan to remodel or renovate the house, there is a high chance that asbestos fibers will be disrupted or damaged. And so, the risk will increase.

This is why testing asbestos is a smart move you can take before starting with your remodeling project. We are sure you don't want more issues coming your way in the long run (of course).

Preventing Damage Later On

Asbestos fibers are airborne. During remodeling, there is a high chance that these materials travel through the air to other house areas.

This won't only increase the chance of negative health effects, but it will be difficult for you to remove asbestos later on.

Therefore, testing for asbestos is essential, especially in the areas you plan to renovate. This will help you save some time, money, and stress in the long run.

Improving Air Quality

Good air quality is important to maintain a healthy and safe living environment. But with asbestos present, this might be at stake. And if you overlook the idea of asbestos testing, you might not experience quality life within your home.

With asbestos testing, you can breathe in fresh, clean air that will help you and your loved ones stay comfortable and active. On the other hand, poor air quality will impact your well-being, long-term health, and ability to focus.

EPA recognizes asbestos as an air pollutant. Your home's air quality can significantly increase by testing for asbestos and encapsulating or removing harmful fibers. This will help you ensure that the air in your home is safe and breathable for everyone.

Maintaining Peace of Mind

You're already taking stress, whether buying or renovating a house. These can become more challenging when you also have to worry about exposure to environmental hazards.

It doesn't matter if you're living in a newer home; testing for asbestos is still important to help you feel safe and secure.

Therefore, getting a test from a professional is the best way to ensure peace of mind, and with this, you can move forward without any stress.


In conclusion, getting asbestos testing done is a smart and responsible move to benefit you and your loved ones.

The potential health issues associated with asbestos exposure make its testing vital. It might seem like an extra expense at first, but in the long run, it empowers you with knowledge about the safety and health of your living environment. This will also let you make timely remediation if necessary.

It's fair to say that testing for asbestos is a step that shows you're committed to the well-being of your family and protecting your property. And later, increase your property's value and give you peace of mind.

You can schedule a comprehensive home inspection with Homesight, Inc today to get more insight into your property. We will help you ensure peace of mind and make informed decisions for the future of your home.

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